Yannick 25th April 2020

My brother, This is all unreal. just a few years ago we were discussing plans for our future, giving each other relationship advise, encouraging each other, that things won't always be the way they are, that one day we will, with careful planning, achieve our goals. Now I find myself wondering what all of this means. Confused, tremendously sad, uncertain. You would tell me that what I'm feeling is all part of grief, that this deep sorrow will pass one day but only after I embrace it, and you'd be right. This has been the most difficult thing for me. Sigh! Presidents College, that melting pot that molded all of us into quite admirable people. Man, we had some fun times, some sad ones too and even times of great stupidity, but we can almost be excused, we were all young. There are too many memories, all worth sharing. However, for some reason I have been thinking a lot about that time in 3rd form when I wanted to fight you, I was angry about something and was ready to "Do Battle" against you. In my mind, we were going to fight that day. Like I said, I don’t even remember what it was, that made me so angry. the one thing that I remember clearly though; was the fact that u didn't want to fight, even when I came rushing at you, you held your ground, held me off, but you would not fight, I started to wonder what I was doing wrong, like, doesn't this dude see I'm trying to fight here? You didn't throw a punch or anything. I found myself feeling stupid, like a pumped-up idiot. I sincerely believe that was the day you and I became good friends. I guess what I am trying to say here is that you were always a good friend, even when others weren't, even when you were wronged, you found a way to move past it, to not hold a grudge, to forgive. That’s who you were, who you are. Years go by and we become best friends, we spent so much time with each other's family after high school, so much time together that I found myself emulating (remember this was one of your favorite words at the time) you. You always seemed to have it figured out then, even though I knew for a fact that this wasn't true (we were both learning about life) you still seemed to be leagues ahead. The things that interest you became my interests, your outlook on life became my own. I adapted your thought on so many aspects of life, from girls to style of dress, to the more consequential matters of life. I became super into football because of you and Joshua, but you mostly. First time I ever played FIFA was with you, you were so good then at video games, and I know that the fact that I am better at it than you now must have been a hard pill to swallow for you (ha-ha, you're probably smiling in heaven right now saying that, people must be crazy if they believe that, lol ). I remember we would spend weeks at Edo's house or in the mines just relaxing, listening to sound clashes by David Rodigan, Mighty Crown and Tony Matterhorn, Bass Odyssey and Stone Love. Practicing our own DJ skills on Virtual DJ; you were definitely better at that. I would come to the mines and that would be your excuse to go to town, Ms. B would always caution us to be safe on the mine's road. Your mother accepted me as her own son, as did mine. Andrew and I became close because of you, our friendship took off after you left for England and has maintained that trajectory to this day. Your family became mine and mine yours. You even worked with my dad in the Bush, that's when I got a clear idea about your work ethic (another story for another day) let's just say that you were put in a difficult situation yet again and you were exceptional. Honestly there are too many memories to write about. So, I will be here to talk about you again. To be cont’d... You've always been the practical one, not that you were not a dreamer, you just had a firmer grasp on reality. Always so articulate when expressing your thoughts on any given matter. Always in a logical, consistent, clear and sensible way. my biggest regret is that I didn't tell u how much I looked up to you, but we had this unspoken deep understanding of each other and our friendship. Still, just wish that I could be saying this to your face. Sleep In Peace My Brother, Monty, aka baby T-Rex. You’re my brother for life. Your son is my son, Your mom is my mom, Your Family is my Family. AS LONG AS I LIVE YOU WILL LIVE ON MONTY. -Yannick