Marlon, Leisa and family 23rd April 2020

My deceased brother Montgomery Mark Richmond 1988-2020 was a person of cool confidence. Other adjectives must describe him being loving,bright, educated, warm, considerate, fun-loving, kind and a whole lots more good when you have contact with him. He was the kind of person people would compete quietly to be next to. No matter what problems you are facing, it was no problem for Monty with his skills to support. Now you would say with all those credentials would make things smooth for him, but the Devil is a liar. I have seen people trample on that and deny him good. But being Monty he just would put it (walk on by) no worries - except for the diseases that was of a realm beyond this world. God knows best though. We cant question. I supported my little brother in his educational and other pursuits out of raw love and didn't even realise he had become of age at the time of his marriage. Monty lived with my family before departing for the UK - days of love and splendour. We had high hopes for him knowing he would succeed in any part of the world once opportunity knocked. Sadly, this was not to be, as faith would have it, HE IS GONE TOO SOON. Always staring death in the face holding to Jehovah's hand on his way. Please accept him Father I pray. Amen.